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親愛的弟兄姊妹, 平安:

中科基督徒聚會處於2006 年開始主日聚會﹐並在鄰近的東海大學、台中科學園區、以及台中工業區傳福音﹐訓練門徒﹐擴展神的國度。我們盼望發展成一個社區型的教會﹐特別顧到弱勢族群的需要﹐因此我們雖然資源有限﹐已經在福科國中、安和國中、麗澤中學開始課後輔導及生命課程的事工﹐同時也在敬德安養院、澄清醫院、榮總開始不定期的探訪事工。我們深信﹐基督那復活的生命﹐是人真正的需要﹐也是一切問題的答案。因此我們積極培訓認識生命、能以生命影響生命的同工﹐期許能給教會附近的社區帶來平安喜樂的盼望。

多年來﹐我們一直租用場地聚會﹐經常受各樣的限制。當然﹐我們也持續地禱告﹐求神為我們預備一個合適的地方。最近在我們租用大樓的一樓空閒出來﹐神似乎開始動工﹐因此我們不敢落後﹐也開始籌備購堂事宜﹐總共預計需要 NT 10,000,000。目前我們約有十分之一的經費﹐其餘的必須在未來的幾個月內籌齊。

如果您是主內的弟兄姊妹﹐歡迎您瀏覽我們網站上﹐一系列的特會信息和主日講道 (http://ckassembly.org/index.php) 。若神感動您﹐願意有分於我們的事工﹐請參照下面附件的奉獻資料和表單﹐我們會即時寄上收據﹐作為個人所得的抵扣申報。這些事工的果子﹐會歸於您屬天的帳上 (腓 4:17) 。如果您是慕道友﹐我們誠摯地邀請您﹐來參加我們各樣的聚會﹐盼望您能早日接受耶穌﹐做您一生的救主。但秉於對未信之人一無所取的教訓 (約三 1:7) ﹐我們暫時不能接受您的捐款。中科基督徒聚會處建堂小組的成員﹐很樂意回答有關建堂的各樣問題﹐


社團法人臺中市中科基督徒福音協會   中科基督徒聚會處
理事長 吳丞恭弟兄敬上   傳道人 王華琦弟兄敬上


現  金  捐  款 您可於週日,早上9:30~下午13:00,持現金或即期支票至本會直接捐款。
支  票  捐  款 抬頭請開:『社團法人台中市中科基督徒福音協會』,請使用劃線禁止背書轉帳的支票, 以掛號寄至「40764台中市西屯區工業一路2巷3號11樓之1 」   社團法人台中市中科基督徒福音協會  收
匯 款 或 轉 帳 銀行:合作金庫 永安分行      銀行代號: 006
請先以電話聯絡我們(04)2359-0816 ,以方便捐款收據之開立。

1. 請在內容欄填寫完整地址,以便寄送收據。
2. ATM捐款,為便於對帳,請填寫匯款帳號(金融卡卡號)後5碼。
3. 為核對捐款金額及寄送收據,請務必填寫真實之完整資料,謝謝您。

*奉獻類別(Type of offering):
1.建堂奉獻(Building) 2.宣教奉獻(Missions) 3.學生事工奉獻(Student Work)  4.感恩奉獻(Thanksgiving) 5.其它(Others)
*Email(Contact Email):
ATM匯款: 帳號後5碼(lastes 5 number of ATM account):
聯絡地址(Contact Address):
聯絡電話(Contact Number):
CAPTCHA Image   Reload Image


Dear brothers and sisters, peace to you from the Lord.

Chungke Christian Assembly started Lord’s table in 2006 with the intent to spread Gospel and to enlarge God’s kingdom in the nearby Tonghei University, Taichung Science Park, and Taichung Industrial Park.  We endeavor to become a community-oriented church in order to take care of the disadvantaged groups within the community.   Even with our limited resources, we have started after-class lessons for the students from single-parent families in the nearby junior high schools. We have also started the visitations to a nursing home and two hospitals.  We truly believe Christ is the answer to all the problems in the society and His resurrected life can meet all the needs.  Hence, we have focused on the training of co-workers in order to know the divine life, to experience the divine life, and to influence others with their life.  We are committed to bring the hope of peace and joy to our nearby community.

We have rented facilities for our gatherings over the years with many limitations and restrictions.  Of course, we have continuously prayed for a proper meeting hall to carry out our ministries.  Recently, the 1st floor space of the building, where we rent our current meeting place, became available.  It seems the Lord is answering our prayer.  We dare not to lag behind and have readily initiated a committee to prepare for the purchase with an estimated price of NT 10,000,000.  We have around 10% of the fund at hand and need to gather the remainder in the coming months.

If you are a Christian, we invite you to view the messages from various conferences, trainings, and Sunday sermons posted at our website (http://ckassembly.org/index.php) .  If the Lord moves you to be part of our ministry, please make offering according to the process outlined in the attachment.  We will send the receipt for the purpose of tax reporting and deduction. The fruit of our labor will be accounted to you in heaven (Phil. 4:17).  If you are not yet a believer, we cordially invite you to our meetings and hope you can one day receive Jesus as your personal savior.  But until then, we are not able to accept your offering based on our understanding of scripture (3rd John, 1:7).  In any case, we are happy to answer any questions you may have.

May the LORD bless thee, and keep thee; May the LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; and May the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Your brother in the Lord,
Chen-Kong Wu
Chungke Christian Gospel Association in Taichung
  Your brother in the Lord,
Hwa-Chi WANG
Chungke Christian Assembly

You can make offering in the following ways:

Cash Offering You can come to the meeting every Sunday (9:30~13:00) and make cash offering.
Check Offering Please make it payable to: 『社團法人台中市中科基督徒福音協會』and send by register mail to 「40764台中市西屯區工業一路2巷3號11樓之1 」  
Wire Transfer Wire Transfer
Account title: 社團法人台中市中科基督徒福音協會
Account No.:1715-871-800840
Please call us first at (04)2359-0816 so that we can prepare the receipt in advance.

Please note:  
1. Please fill in the complete address in order to send the receipt.
2. For wire transfer via ATM, please fill in the last 5 digits of your bank card for the ease of cross checking.
3. Please fill in the complete and truthful personal information below for tax reporting purpose. Thank you!
Donation letter download